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Mostrando las entradas de enero, 2022

Did you know that...Shakespeare incorporated more than 1000 words into English.😱😱

  Shakespeare incorporated more than 1000 words into English.😱 Almost everyone has heard of the great William Shakespeare, the famous English poet and playwright of the 16th century. From love sonnets to plays like:   "Romeo and Juliet" and  "Hamlet," Shakespeare has recently influenced English literature. But did you know that English would not be the same without Shakespeare? Shakespeare invented more than 1,000 words that he incorporates into his writing. Native English people still use these words today. Some of these fantastic words and phrases that this famous poet invented are: Addiction: (addiction) Being physically or psychologically dependent on something, usually a drug. Bedazzled (dazzled):  Blinded by something incredibly wonderful. Cold-blooded: Or a cold-blooded animal (such as a reptile) or a way to describe someone who is cruel and indifferent to an emotion. Swagger (wagger) : Walking in a cocky or disrespectful manner. Break the ice: ...
  WHAT ARE ACRONYMS?   Acronyms are an important aspect of translation, and it’s essential that we understand and know how to process them in order to maintain consistency in a text. Acronyms are usually used in everyday language and they tend to get picked up quite quickly, and in many ways are used more often than the multiple words that the acronym stands for. FOR EXAMPLE: SMH: shaking my head  t's  used to express disappointment or disbelief in the face of what's perceived as glaringly obvious stupidity or extremely obliviousness . JK: just kidding  used to indicate that a statement is not to be taken seriously . ASAP: as soon as possible Immediately. BTW: by the way  .U sed to introduce a topic not directly connected with what was being spoken about previously                                        There are also various acronyms for simple words such as...